Thursday, February 15, 2018

Celebrating love every day

   In the vast country of the United States, the business of the heart was honored yesterday. It was Valentine’s Day 2018. People were chiming in celebrating their loves of all different forms - their significant others, children, friends, self, jobs, nature, Gods. Others scoffed at the merriment feeling too.....uncomfortable.

   I tuned into our social media scene to see where my tribe was at with this fun celebration. Some posted photos of their heart helds, others made poignant statements of icy gestures to quell their awkward feelings, some were silent while a few others posted rambling rage about this stupid celebration of love.
    My family loves love. My parents endured many tribulations and trials....the death of a child being one. And somehow, their teenage love turned into adult  grown up love prosperous. Every Valentine’s Day, my dad is still romancing my mom.  

   My dad still romances my mom after nearing 50 years. He always will.

   My parents and I still exchange Valentines. We still celebrate our bond of the heart. I surprised them yesterday with a warm smile, a few homemade candies and a hug. Why? Because we do that...we hug. We are a family of huggers and my husband has surprisingly enjoyed joining in the festivities! Every day around us is like Valentine’s Day.

    My family.....We hug, we laugh, we cry, we disagree, we hug. I am blessed to have grown up in a home of daily hugs and “I love you”s. I enjoy letting people  around me know that I value them. My friends all have come to expect a hug upon greeting and a farewell hug. My nephews will grab a hug randomly during family gatherings. Sometimes, special needs folk will walk up to me on the street, in a store or restaurant and ask. They sense I am a hugger!
   In this world of #metoo a hugger needs to know when or when not. Communication is key. But I believe, for the most part, people enjoy a solid hug. It’s a fellowship gesture that helps people feel connected and with all the mass shootings our country has had so far, we need more connectivity that revolves around matters of the heart. We need bonds. We need to notice when others are happy, sad, ill or need help. We need to connect with our neighbors, kin and fellow beings. We need more understanding and less posturing. We need to connect and share what we fear most...for many of us that is letting people close.

   With my  yoga practice, fellow yogis enjoy sparking the heart chakra with wide arms, heart forward or hands together protecting the heart. Honoring fellow like minded people. Namaste - I see and honor who you are. Its a wonderful flow  of energy! People enjoy feeling! 

   I guess thats what’s Valentines is  to me and my family....a celebration of heart bonds. My sweetheart brought home a bottle of wine and we enjoyed good comvo celebrating our heart bond. No extravagant gifts or over the top tributes. We are quietly giddy with each other, celebrating each other and our matrimonial bond, the bond of our worlds.  I took our daughters on a snowy mountain hike to exercise our hearts and to enjoy our heart bond with nature. Love is life❤️ 


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