What is Celtic reiki? I sure hadn't heard of it and I'm in the Reiki business. As soon as I stumbled upon it, I knew it was exactly what I needed to be into. This form of reiki differs a little from traditional reiki in attunement so as well as knowledge of meridians in the body for body work, it also utilizes other energies to accomplish healing. I am of Viking ancestry...there's no denying it, I am always drawn to that root. I've always had a healthy relationship with trees and plants, even as a child. My parents would remark about my "green thumb". After reading about how I would be attuned to the vibrations of the trees and plants, I knew. This was what I've been looking for!
Practitioners of Celtic reiki, also known as Bio-energy healing, believe that the power of the universal life force can be enhanced by calling upon additional energy forms that are connected to the earth and things of the natural world. Combinations of different life form vibrations, like in trees and plants, will make a healing or goal manifestation session most effective. In essence, we believe we are ALL connected.
There are three distinct types of healing energies: earth derives energies, the second is manifestation energies and the third is master healing energies. A Celtic reiki session usually last up to an hour and utilizes the placing of hands that will trigger a deep state of relaxation.
Celtic reiki can be used in healing as well as goal manifestation. These are achieved through meditation practices. These meditation practices can encourage an energy flow in such a way that a person's goals are realized on the physical plane.
I will be achieving my Master in Celtic Reiki soon and will be bringing that to the Black Hills area. In this day and age, folks need all the help they can get with their day to day lives.
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