Thursday, October 25, 2018

Take a big bite of yummy-ness

Bake up these chewy gluten free pumpkin and oatmeal bars in no time! I love cooking and baking...but I don't want to have my whole day tied into a project. These bars are quick, versatile, healthy, gluten free and paleo!
I came up with this recipe after pondering on how to deter our toddler girl from eating 4-8 tablespoons of  peanut butter at a time! Not only does she love these -we keep the chocolate out and our dogs enjoy these healthy treats! 

GF Pumpkin and Nut Butter oatmeal bars
2 1/2 cups gluten free rolled oats
1 cup pumpkin puree like Libby’s or homade
1/2 cup softened nut butter (I used peanut butter)
1/2-1 tsp pumpkin spice

Optional:1/2-3/4 cup dried fruit - like turkish apricots, cranberries 
Assorted nuts like almonds or cashews 
Line bottom of baking pan with caramel corn for a healthy twist  with popcorn balls!

Stir together all ingredients and pour into an 8 or 9 inch lightly greased baking pan. Cook for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees F. Let cool and cut into squares.

These can be kept in the fridge and they freeze nicely to keep a supply on hand! 

Have fun creating your own personal bar! Play around with the additions or try different spices!
Blessings, friends!

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