Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Enjoy the Tramp!

   My story has been the untold story of so so so many others before me. The circumstances vary from person to person on how we ended up here.  Childbearing, excessive weight, a hysterectomy...all take a toll on your pelvic floor.

I am talking about the embarrassing and silent chatter about ....bladder leakage! It can happen during physical exertion, the simple act of sneezing or coughing, it can happen when you try your hardest for it not to!
   Our fourth baby is now 2...and until recently, I battled the dribbling accidents! I’ve done literally THOUSANDS of Kegels and it didn’t help with that at all! I thought to myself that I finally did it, I finally broke myself. The fourth baby laid out my pelvic floor and the elastic is gone. I just had to resign to the fact that I might leak when running or jumping on a trampoline. And grab myself every time I sneezed.
   Before I finally gave up every ounce of hope, I decided to learn about my pelvic floor. In short form, the area is like two hammocks hanging across each other  in your pelvis. I found an amazing video on youtube made by a physical therapist and it was a game changer! When I finally woke up those muscles with her help, I was able to stop my urine mid-stream! Before when I tried, it was like flipping an electric switch with no light bulb in it. Nothing would happen! It was simply that I couldn’t turn on the correct muscle group for the job before! No amount of Kegels would’ve retrained my brain!
   If you can’t find your deep front pelvic floor and it is lost, give this video a shot! Click here!
Blessings and I hope you find success with waking up your pelvic floor!

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