Friday, April 26, 2019

Tales from the Pecos Valley

Tales from the Pecos Valley:

As we  sit in our comfortable camping chairs in our living room of the home we have chosen to close on, we can’t help but smile about our journey so far! We are sun baked, peeling and cold sore  riddled with assorted bumps and bruises...but, WE ARE HOME!

Our knuckling down, sacrificing the past year and having faith in this path has taken us on this grand journey....3,500 plus miles in 3 months, our super smart finances afforded us three months of no income during this intense hiring process (treating it as a cheap vacation with our family at home) PLUS WE RELOCATED with a 9-day deadline before Clay needed to report for his first day of work. We are an amazing family if I do say so!

There are so many things we are thankful for - our children facetiming and calling daily, my parents keeping up their funny texts, calls and antics and our friends sending us long distance Easter Greetings as we adjusted to our new surroundings with kind and loving new neighbors that got the girls Easter goodies. Life is grand.💚

   Our new community is filled with old fashioned kindness and that is what drew us here after visiting last fall. It is smack dab “in the middle of nowhere” as they say here and at 48,000 people, is the most populated area for 200 miles in any direction. Before we found our home, there was a mishap and the exhaust was damaged on our Nissan. The mechanic seeing our South Dakota plates, refused to take payment after he band-aided the problem until parts arrive and told us to “pay kindness forward”. Our neighbors immediately welcomed us into our home and have checked in on us from time to time, and given us their personal phone numbers if we need anything. The sargeants at Clay’s work also have checked up to make sure we are adjusting well. Our realtor is like an extended family member here, also checks in and is always giving us Roswell tips from dining to scorpion and centipede warnings.  Even the internet installer, gave me the lowdown on the city, welcomed us to the neighborhood - he is five streets over - and gave us his personal cell number if we need anything at all. His childhood best friend lives right next door. Even the sellers of our home (with the assistance of their realtor and ours), rushed to the house with only a day notice to get things  live-in ready for us so we could be settled by the Easter weekend.

This community has all of the services we love, without much of the the negatives that goes along with bigger cities. The Chaves County sherriff’s Department along with the Roswell Police Department made the front page daily newspaper on Wednesday with the headline “Deputies arrest 56 at Sunday house party” was a massive underage drinking party with 100 kids fleeing in all directions. However,the main  headline was about a deal reached with the City of Roswell and U-Haul after a “tree-trimming” incident damaged trees that lined Roswell’s South Main Street area. 😁 The noon whistles blow at noon for lunch and everyone enjoys eating together.
   This incredible journey really has demonstrated how versatile our little family is....back in the campground, we literally had one kilowatt of electricity afforded us in our remote camping spot. Thankfully, our children know how to function within the beauty of nature, so being entertained was just outside our door. Our older kids checked in on us daily and didn’t drain our  resources and put on smiles for us through  their tears about missing us and asked how their dad was getting on with his new job and if we were adjusting ok.
We miss them and cannot wait to show them and our peeps  this gem of the Pecos Valley...and let’s not forget, it’s the UFO capital DEL MUNDO!!!

Nanu nanu er Blessings!✌🏼

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