Monday, May 30, 2016

Believe in your journey!

The tests are in.....I'm freakishly fabulous!!
   For six long months, I've been in an active battle everyday. Every day, for the past six months, I've been an active commander-in-chief. Every minute, making a choice to better the predicament I was in. For those just joining me, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's last Summer after another grueling, painful, unwanted, emotionally deadening miscarriage. In a nutshell, being Hashimoto's means when my body encounters certain things, i.e. gluten, a common flu/virus, severe stress, it makes up a very kick ass army ...and it attacks body organs ---MY BODY ORGANS! These internal attacks can last from a few weeks to several agonizing and painful months of waking up daily in pain.
   For anyone that battles an autoimmune condition, test day is a big day. It takes a minimum of six weeks to alter medications and see if things are going in the direction you need them to go. We didn't know it, but I had vast internal damage in my gut that needed healing. Gut healing takes a minimum of six months. It is six months of being very regimented and on point. Six months of always thinking about what goes in your body for fuel, nutrients and hydration. Six months of not knowing if any of the sacrifices you are enduring are for anything. Six months of wishful thinking.
   The time had come to test. My friends and family wished me well right before I went in with "I got good feels about this!" to "You're amazing!" to "Let me know right away, okay? I love you." My support team is nothing short of fantastic. You'd think after all the blood work I've experienced the past two years, I would know what the person taking samples is called. I don't. I refer to these wonderful people as my pokers. This time my poker "Luanne" looked at my chart and giggled. "I just got a flashback from your chart! I graduated high school the exact day you were born!" I smiled and laughed and thought to myself of the wonderful exchange we just had and that this is good omen. She didn't hurt me either, another good omen.
   My blood tests take two days in a lab for results. I could go into extensive detail as to why, but that is a whole other blog subject! In essence, they must mix my blood with other components and see what reaction(s) happen. I was pretty patient for the wait, but my entourage was anxious! And then boom! Here they were.....
   After being six months on the same dosage of levoxithyroxine, going gluten free, adding supplements and minerals, building and installing infrared light therapy, routine therapeutic massage sessions, and enduring a long term  parasitic cleanse...I have exactly what I was working towards!

My levoxythyroxine dosage needs to be decreased again. It means that my thyroid gland is repairing itself and producing again.

My Thyroglubin Antibody test indicated that my Hashimotos is in REMISSION...for now. My antibodies are there but have been put on stand down. They can remain on duty floating through my system waiting to be reminded of their jobs for the next three years. And more recent data has come in that indicates that they were probably attacking other areas in my body too, we just haven't figured out where yet. I will always have Hashimoto's, the BEST I can shoot for is remission.

After my results came in, it was time to adjust again. Brain fog, appetite loss, vision changes seemingly hourly, loss of sleep...been through it before so it was just time to batten down the hatches for a brighter tomorrow. :) As usual, my soul partner, husband, solid foundation was amazing as we're my loving kids. I can't stress enough how thankful I am to have these people in my life.

I'm going on four weeks now and it is amazing!

Causes for extensive jubilation and celebration! I celebrated my birthday with the usual fanfare and simple joys! Believe in your journey!