Friday, May 25, 2018

Hi I'm your new SCOBY! Now what????

After baby and momma yoga
bevvy of Homemade
Kombucha brew!
  Welcome to the world of Kombucha! Homemade is so much better and tastier than commercial stuff, just like anything. Plus, you can love this little SCOBY knowing it found a wonderful home! So there's a few things you'll need to start your own Kombucha system. If you are lucky enough to have one of my OOLONG SCOBYs, all the better! Also remember to keep clean utensils including hands when handling your SCOBY and any Kombucha equipment. You do not want to introduce a bad bacteria.

1. Keep your SCOBY out of direct sunlight at all times. The "good" bacteria colony does not like the sun's powerful rays.

2. You'll need to brew your kombucha in a one or two gallon glass jar - with or without a plastic spicket without a fitted lid. I use a fresh napkin with a ribbon tied around the neck to keep debris out of the brew but allow it to breath.

3. The newly brewed green or black tea needs to be cooled to room temperature before adding that to the jar. The sweet tea mix your SCOBY will love is one gallon of tea and one cup of sugar. Also the water used must not contain chlorine like in municipal drinking water. I always use distilled or you will get mold on your SCOBY. (the bad bacteria will win the battle)

4. After about a week, dry out a taste of your decide when it's ready to bottle for the second fermentation. This roughly two day process, is when you add the fruits and delights that will make it wonderfully tasty and fizzy bubbly! You'll know when it's ready when you see little bubbles on the top line. We keep our Kombucha in a cupboard in glass jars. Never use plastic - it explodes and really isn't ideal for the Kombucha brewing process.

5. When you bottle for second fermentation, remember to love your new SCOBY and put it in your own hotel....mine is a box in the cupboard and I use plastic freezer bags to hold it with about a cup of kumbucha or 2 cups of fresh sweet tea mixture.

6. Always keep 10% of your Kumbucha with your SCOBY to start your new batch. If you happen to need to start from a fresh sweet tea mixture, it may take up to 2 weeks for your brew to turn itself into Kombucha!

7. Lastly, love this little colony of goodness! The vitamins and nutrients it provides is amazing! Peace Love and Namaste! Enjoy the process of the brew, new Brew Master!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Less Facebook brought the world a little closer

Es primavera mi familia y amigos!
    I did it folks, I became a ghost on the social media mogul Facebook. I am no longer a puppet with strings abiding to people's twists and turns, shouts and "likes", mean spirited remarks or banter or unabashed fluffery to provide the world with proof that I like/love someone. I no longer have a ticket on  the daily political roller coaster ride. I am no longer at the mercy of feeling pressure to participate, or just watch or have knowledge of any of the shenanigans of the masses that mask their true feelings with the various forms of cyber bullying. That all too  often translates into bullying in real life, creating a world of disconnectiveness.

                         I           AM         FREE
and actually not in the dark as "they" would have you believe. I still know the news, I still talk to family or friends or acquaintances who desire to actually know me and not peep at me through a keyhole unsuspecting. I feel connected and the sun shines brightly.
Now I get to say I'm "fit, healthy and over 45"
This was us on my 46th birthday!
We celebrate life!

   When I started Facebook years ago, it wasn't the bullies playground as it is often known of  today. It was a wonderful new environment where I could keep up with my long distance folk and banter with the ones I saw daily. It was a place of sunshine and laughter.  It was a wonderful forum to find like minds, to share grand ideas, to explore other views and to broaden my mind. Of enjoying my human relationships and sharing with them a tiny piece of my world and spread happiness. It was a place where people still held their tongues and valued their manners. It was sometimes a place of open worship, not one chastising others life choices.

    It was never a place for me to share my burdens unless they were funny, all of which  were first world problems, or talk about them at any length, complain vaguely about someone, nor a place I wanted to waste any of my time viewing people's faults and then complaining about the stupidity of mankind. After I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease, I attempted to spread knowledge of my autoimmunity and to maybe help others with other autoimmune conditions,  invisible diseases.

     This new age of Facebook became a burden to me....seeing all of my friends and family in turmoil over different things, much of them having nothing to really complain about....someone larger sitting in front of them at a sporting event, the wrong coffee was given out at the drive through window, someone else's obesity offends them, or educating the world on how important their relationship to their deity is and should be the most important thing, etc. It was certainly no comfort to me when we lost our babies, there was not a feeling of closeness or camaraderie in the days that we grieved. Later, we often found people trying to "see" things through our teens' accounts.... and not necessarily connecting with them to cheer them on through life or help them when they stumbled. It was sometimes used as a tool.

    Our (my husband and mine) joint Facebook feed became a shouting ground with people screaming at the top of their keyboards for all to see. Soon competitions ensued over lifestyles, actual gifts for self and family, arrogance and verbal pestilence became a mainstay. The Facebook I grew up with had evolved into this evil empire that sucked on the very souls of humanity and made people feel very ALONE in their strife. As I have watched the demise of this social exchange, I felt a need to be super positive and to spread joy. Honestly, it began to feel overwhelming.

    In real life, I  have changed the world in which I live by being the person in charge of overseeing the youths that had been  court mandated and saddled with  community service. I chose their tasks, made them work, listened and talked to them about theiir journeys, tore them down and built them up. I showed I cared deeply for those who ultimately felt the world did not. Which means,  I have touched souls, helped youth grow, made a difference in people's lives. I GET to say that.  I felt good trying to make a difference. I try to  inspire. I have been contacted by people I have been associated with  years before and they have told me, that me....little tiny me, has made a difference in their lives. Not a lot of people can say that.

  But, it occurred to me as I have watched Facebook evolve, that many of the people on that particular social experience want to be in the dramatics. They create it, foster that feeling and let it ride. They thrive in the shadowy human experience. It cannot be changed or altered right now. They need to feed their emotional necessities. It is far easier to allow yourself to feel a widely false connection on social media, that to actually put yourself out there, in life, and forge a real concrete one. It is far scarier to let others in, to look past their defects, and love them anyways. I have faith in the human spirit that we will someday be able to do just that. Until we get close to that day, I will continue to welcome my mornings with the chirping of birds, the smiles of my family, a chat about how the night's sleep was, and to skip into the sun rays of the life giving air I breath. I will greet folks with a smile, and savor every gift presented to me.
                             Life is grand beyond the screen.
  Now when I run into people, they truly ask me questions about my life. They wonder how I am and make a connection you can't find on the screen. They hug, they grab my hand, they rub my shoulder, they show me that my existence in their world matters. They want me to feel close to them and they are forced to demonstrate that in real time. Moments are not wasted. No longer am I at an event and people let my presence go unnoticed. Indeed, I have made my world closer for myself. Be not afraid to try it - you'll be surprised at how your human experience changes! 
Enjoying a birthday hike!
