Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year, Same Me

   As the hours wane for 2018, a tradition of looking through the thousands of photographs I've taken throughout the year commences. 

 t first begins with just me reliving the past year but inevitably, I begin roping in my clan to join in the memories. With the ease of technology in this age, not only do I have photographs to recollect, both in digital and hardcopy forms,  but short videos and memes I’ve designed as well. This morning, we marveled at how our lives changed throughout this past year and how many fun memories we made just enjoying our day to day. Last year’s focus was, in fact, making memories.
Our Clayton & Cris Ness Family Christmas Ride 2018

  For those who wish to just read the highlights:
  • Keira is living in an apartment in New Underwood, tackling night classes and management classes while working full time. She is also New Underwood's resident Cat Lady.
  • Sydnie moved into her first apartment in Rapid City, graduated high school, and is holding two jobs with one being in the healthcare field, with on the job training for becoming a nurse. She was accepted to SDSU but has chosen to decline the offer until she truly knows where her interests are.
  • Summer is an avid Summer....doing her thing, taking high school classes, being a role model “big”  sister and designing and creating her costumes for the next comic con.
  • Finn began the year crawling and finished the year sprinting and toilet  trained. She is an artist, gardener, chef, housekeeper, sports lover and outdoors girl obsessed with her hatred of  flies.
  • Clayton knows stuff.
  • Cris knows lots of useless but interesting factoids.

   We began our year traveling for business in a record winter storm. We found ourselves in minus 21 below as a high, just a few mere miles from the Great White North,  staying extra days to make an important meeting for his career. We still remember quite fondly just how warm the hotel's wonderful pool was. In South Dakota, the weather was unseasonably warm with open waters and Summer, Finn & I took in more trails of the beautiful Black Hills with our four footers. Our backyard was still welcoming as we practiced our yoga daily outside and Finn explored the grounds crawling around.

   February brought the snow to our area, forcing us indoors more often, and thinking about the possibilities that our future held. Dreams abounded! My artwork took on more meaning, more of me poured into each stroke. After years of self teaching, I challenged myself to not mask my visions any longer or get wrapped up on the rules. My Clayton has unlocked any door I had. I found myself painting more often and with purpose....not lost or anxiety ridden as I had always been before. My days of nurturing our wee Finn with breastmilk were quickly coming to an end and I took in every second I could. I kept to my autoimmune lifestyle and my hair has been the longest it has been in over 25 years! 

    March is monumental in our hosts the date of our marriage plus the start of what we call "the birthday season". Finn celebrated her first birthday in Finn fashion at a local hotel's swimming pool with our family and some of her extended family. Her older siblings were joyous to "swim with the Roo" and the grandparents enjoyed watching our family be a family together. Our kids, ranging in ages from 1 to 20, have lots of varying goals-There's lots going on for us to enjoy!

   Our April was filled with birthdays and fun stuff like Finn AND Clayton's first kite flying adventure. We celebrated the arrival of spring with backyarding, hiking and cycling. We enjoyed our Mustang and listening to the birds talk in our yard. Prom was in our midst again and the weather held perfect. We were no longer held hostage indoors, reflecting on things yet to come or not come on the business side of our lives.
   My sweet husband adopted a bonsai tree for me  for Mother's Day and I began the art of bonsai. Steeped in history, this art quickly is becoming a passion for me. The tree still lives.  My birthday was spent in a tree line along a crest of the Black Hills with two of my favorite people. And true to form, the girls and I were lost for a short stint. Our adventure brought us to breathtaking views and laughs. Also, when we got cell service again, I found myself  ribbed in texts by  beloved cousins about my coupe of the year older persuasion and I quickly let my parents who had been waiting in our driveway to take me to lunch that we were alive and well and 20 minutes out since I knew where we were finally. Such is the fantastic life of an immensely lucky home gal.
   Summertime in our house means outdoors as much as possible. We swim, we hike, we bike, we stargaze, we dream, we love, we laugh, we savor. We garden and enjoy what our backyard offers us. It is my art studio, our family gathering place, movies under the stars  and as a wildlife watching point as deer live in the backyard next door. We got to see our resident doe calf twins there. Magic happens when you open your eyes and see. I am a nature mom....getting to be home has been simply amazing. We were outside by 8am, backyard outdoor yoga at 9, playing and artwork or basketball or swimming or blowing bubbles, playing the uke and inside by 8 lol. I didn't think I did as much hiking this year - until I looked back at my photographic history. 

 e might have rivalled our 50+ miles we put on last year! This year, Summer bypassed me in height too and those  long legs served her well on the trails with her finishing first for a change.

   Our summertime ended with a few car travels - we enjoyed the hospitality of the big city Minneapolis on a business excursion, with Clayton having an important meeting and the girls and I taking in the local transportation to downtown. We took the girls to a fondue restaurant and the Mall of America. We finished our summertime season with a joy ride to New Mexico, staying at their state parks in our tent with our four footers. We loved everything we experienced there from the locals to the vast views and beautiful colors Life is a bit slower there than we are accustomed to in the north. We swam in sinkholes,  looked at aliens and apartments. 

On that trip, we were called by mom to say dad was rushed to the hospital for his heart failure condition. His emergency visit prompted his doctor to push his heart surgery that seems to be working wonderfully. Mom is semi-retired (if there is such a thing) and they seem to be on the go! She had her share of health problems but with the right crap (I’m being literal) she is her old self again! 
     Our fall was busy with Sydnie moving into her first apartment and graduating from high school. She is working two jobs, one in the healthcare field working her towards becoming a nurse.  Keira is living in an apartment with her boyfriend in New Underwood and  taking evening classes, working on management classes for her job and working full time. She also is New Underwood's resident Cat Lady. She is loving being a fur baby mom. Summer began the year in middle school classes and finished the year excelling  in high school classes. She is a wizard in algebraic forms and advanced high school geometry. She also is celebrating the fact that she can finally read movie subtitles in the amount of time needed without pausing the show....#dyslexialife.
   Winter arrived for us in our last night  in the tent - on  a camping trip at Angostura with my parents and uncle. We had a glorious bike ride around the reservoir, good food and campfire laughter and awoke to snowflakes as the heater in our tent kept the cold out.

   My extra time away from much social media has afforded me more time to work on personal goals.  This fall, my newest artwork captured the eye of a curator and I was encouraged to submit artwork to a board of their curators. I was awarded not one, but two, one-year contracts by an INTERNATIONAL art gallery, 1340gallery, that represents "not only artists you know, but artists you should know". This gallery is a tremendous opportunity towards my global art goals. Locally, one of my pieces was used as a business’ IGChristmas greeting. In June, I traded a few paintings for a ukulele and boy did that turn into a massive obsession.  I also have achieved a third grade level in Spanish and am still working on it. I'd say the grammer or proper use of grammer has been the biggest difficulty. Finn can take direction in both English and Spanish at this point. I practice using it in real life with others on my Instagram and that has been a huge asset since I have to spell things correctly too.
   Clayton and I have learned the art of patience not only with this gaggle of girls but in his career path as well. The government works like molasses in winter sometimes! We plan on supplying details in the near future...however, we thought that last January! 
Happy New Year and to all and a prosperous and blessed 2019!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Take a big bite of yummy-ness

Bake up these chewy gluten free pumpkin and oatmeal bars in no time! I love cooking and baking...but I don't want to have my whole day tied into a project. These bars are quick, versatile, healthy, gluten free and paleo!
I came up with this recipe after pondering on how to deter our toddler girl from eating 4-8 tablespoons of  peanut butter at a time! Not only does she love these -we keep the chocolate out and our dogs enjoy these healthy treats! 

GF Pumpkin and Nut Butter oatmeal bars
2 1/2 cups gluten free rolled oats
1 cup pumpkin puree like Libby’s or homade
1/2 cup softened nut butter (I used peanut butter)
1/2-1 tsp pumpkin spice

Optional:1/2-3/4 cup dried fruit - like turkish apricots, cranberries 
Assorted nuts like almonds or cashews 
Line bottom of baking pan with caramel corn for a healthy twist  with popcorn balls!

Stir together all ingredients and pour into an 8 or 9 inch lightly greased baking pan. Cook for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees F. Let cool and cut into squares.

These can be kept in the fridge and they freeze nicely to keep a supply on hand! 

Have fun creating your own personal bar! Play around with the additions or try different spices!
Blessings, friends!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Flu Shot: Hashimoto's and the flu vaccination

Hashi Warriors and the Flu Vaccine
Stay healthy this flu season
by amping up your immune system
with energy movement

   Much debate happens every year on whether people should or need to get the year's influenza vaccination. Quite frankly, the whole issue of vaccinations is a touchy subject in the states  among folks...a topic for another time - I have strong feelings on the side of NOT vaccinating, but that is not today's topic.
Is the flu shot necessary....does it help...will this miracle shot  save your life? Are you in the Center for Disease Control's categories of those who "probably" should not get the influenza vaccination? A really good resource on this topic is Dr. Kirk Gair who has written a few books on the subject and who started his quest to learn all he can because the information saved his wife from the devastating affects of  a Thyroid Storm. Click on his link to see what he has to say about Hashimoto's and the flu shot.
   If you are like me, whenever I received the influenza vaccination, I battled illnesses the rest of the season. I documented and have proof that demonstrated I would have one cold or virus run into another, I would catch lots of viruses and minor flus I came into contact seemed to bog my immune system down. Now there is scientific evidence that supports my personal claims. Or rather, if my Hashimoto's is in hyper drive and very active, it has been found to be detrimental and is more like poking the bear living inside me...and I'm not the only one!
   According to the Holter Medical Group, "Although it is unclear exactly why some patients with these health conditions have complications(to the influenza vaccine), there are a few possible explanations. It could be related to mitochondrial dysfunction, which many of these patients have. It could also be directly related to the immune response elicited by the vaccine. One physician who has treated over 2,000 Hashimoto’s patients reports that 80% of his patients have infection with the Epstein Barr virus in their history. This is thought to play a role in the onset or exacerbation of the condition for many Hashimoto’s patients.Interestingly, there is some evidence that Influenza B may also be involved as an initiating factor. Even if it is not directly related, it affects the same part of the immune system as Epstein Barr. This also happens to be the part of the immune system that attacks the thyroid in autoimmune thyroid conditions."
   While I'm no physician or doctor, or nurse or practitioner, I am one heck of a researcher and I am an award winning journalist! In America, it's a little bit tougher to find out certain kinds of information (hot topics like vaccines or abortion that have a lot of money into the outcomes) but it is out there in small doses and under pages of professionals finally being able to piece the puzzle together.  I encourage you to look into these website addresses to look into this topic for yourself :)

Knowledge is personal power on your quest for good health! And the more we share, the more we can do what is best for each one of us and not be one of the "herd".

So if you follow my blog, you'll know how natural I attempt to be. I limit chemicals entering my body via by the food and drink or by environmental exposure and skin products. I strive to limit my chemical exposure and I firmly believe this alone helped to calm my Hashimoto's down when it was in a whirlwind.

   So how do I avoid the flu? The flu is air borne and knowing this information is half the battle! In our home, we spray essential oils in the air, we use the old pan of water and essential oils and boil that down into the air. We have hand sanitizer right by the front door when we get home from a social event, and we use it! We eat organic, healthy foods from all the food groups (even the gluten free family members). Eating processed food or food with preservatives is limited. We boost ourselves with vitamin C and echinacea, we consume elderberry and overall try to get quality sleep and quality exercise....and we laugh a lot.
Our Family.....
has fun and laughs :)
Just being happy is another trick to fostering a good immune system. We incorporate energy work, like Reiki, or Yoga, into our every day lives. Our body's energy systems need movement within them to function properly.
I hope I've helped you find some resources to help you learn and get another step into recovery for you or your loved ones Hashimoto's or other autoimmune condition!
Our rainbow girl being ME :)

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Fluoride free, that's the way for me!

   When I was child in grammar school, I was chosen by my teacher to be a character in our class play about tooth decay. My character was called Fluoride Flossy and I got to "save the day" and destroyed the effects of the villain that caused tooth decay to the enamel of our teeth. I portrayed a superhero in the fourth grade! Fluoride has long been touted as the saver of teeth and in the United States, many of the municipalities add the substance to their water.
Hiking and swimming with some of my clan
Black Hills, South Dakota
Many Americans use toothpaste that has fluoride and dental experts all over the land recommend using products that contain it. But there is mounting evidence that Fluoride is harmful to health, especially to people trying to tame their Hashimoto's beasts.
   Since I can remember, I had "bloody" teeth every time I brushed. My parents thought I brushed too hard, maybe I wasn't brushing enough, I needed to floss more, the list goes on and on. I always had bloody teeth after brushing regardless of bristle softness or how often I brushed. This went on into my adulthood....until I ditched fluoride and went fluoride free.
   My real life Thyroid Superhero, Dr. Izabella Wentz, and no I have not in any way by paid to say this, has gone on record about the use of Fluoride and the Thyroid function. "A dose of 2-5 mg of fluoride per day was typically found to be effective for suppressing an overactive thyroid. If you live in the typical fluoridated community and you’re being a “good girl” (or “good boy”) by drinking your 8 cups of water each day, chances are, you are inadvertently taking in enough fluoride to suppress your thyroid. Most adults in these communities are ingesting between 1.6 and 6.6 mg of fluoride per day."
   My goodness, the exhilaration I felt when I spit and it wasn't red...I had to do it again and again. WONDERFUL!!! I started with off the shelf fluoride free toothpaste and after a couple of years, made my own from ingredients I had right in the kitchen!
All Gal hike,
Black Elk Wilderness Area
Black Hills, South Dakota
elevation gain of 3,900 feet
I no long have the dragon breath of a Hashi warrior, I have the healthy smile of a Hashi warrior that takes on my world!

My simple diy fluoride free toothpaste:

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp. ground sea salt
  • 2-3 tbsp. ground egg shells, finely ground
  • 20 drops of assorted essential oils like peppermint, cinnamon, clove, tea tree
  • Optional ground cloves, ground cinnamon
Mix well.

This simple recipe helps a Hashi's teeth and gums heal from the use of Fluoride. Coconut oil calms sore gums and is an antiseptic, the sea salt assists in rebuilding enamel as does the calcium in the egg shells. I am now a bloody free toothbrusher! You will be too if you kick the fluoride out of the picture with fluoride free toothpaste and mouthwash, watching your intake red and black tea and limiting the steep time, checking the ingredients on medications, and adding the supplement Taurine, click on the ink to learn more,  into your diet will help. I encourage each of you to look deeper into this issue of fluoride and Hashimoto's  on your own. I can only attest to what personally happened to me :)

I've got some big things in the works right now and will be keeping you posted as things unfold! Until then, I hope this post finds you and guides you to an easier day and a restful sleep!
"Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth do."
Post partum baby 18 months and
I'm stronger than I've ever been.
Also....I'm STOKED about my bamboo sunglasses!
It's the little things :)

Friday, July 27, 2018

Tumeric paste for YOU

Delicious golden milk...
the drink that feels like a comfy blanket for your belly
   Tumeric…..that lovely spice from India that creates heat and stains everything a buttery golden hue. Tumeric has become a staple of my life! It is the Goddess of ayuda that assists in everything from inflammation to treating little nicks and cuts on my body. I LOVE IT! If you have enjoyed the savory food of the curry variety - then you already have enjoyed the benefits of this lovely tuber.

CELEBRATE! Tumeric got me
down to my pre-pregnancy dress size
this month!
  Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - Hashi's- to those of us who have the autoimmune condition can be prone to developing inflammation throughout the joints in our bodies. Inflammation can be painful ….downright annoying and studies from around the world have shown that over 90% of various types of cancer BEGINS with inflammation.

 "Chronic inflammation is known to drive many cancers, especially liver cancer. Researchers have long thought that's because inflammation directly affects cancer cells, stimulating their division and protecting them from death. But researchers have now found that chronic liver inflammation also promotes cancer by suppressing immunosurveillance -- a natural defense mechanism in which it's thought the immune system suppresses cancer development."

Tumeric helps me
keep up with four
active daughters!
   I get inflammation...I can weigh around 5-6 pounds more in excess water if inflammation is being an issue. That's when I looked into the benefits of Tumeric and how to incorporate the spice into my life! Inflammation makes my joints feel stiff and sore and every movement can be uncomfortable. Try this simple recipe for a Tumeric Paste to mix in your food or with your morning cuppa. Actually our little family enjoys a cup of golden milk (warmed milk with 1/4to 1/2 tsp. turmeric paste) before we retire for the night. The ingredients are perfect for calming tummies and easing digestion, relieving inflammation and aches.
   Tumeric Tea also known as Golden Milk, gives your immune system a great boost, tastes amazing AND makes you feel great! The oils are necessary for your body to accept the turmeric as is the ground pepper. Another amazing benefit of this paste is it can be given to your four legged friends! Dogs will take this paste willingly in their food and can really help with arthritis, injuries both internal and external!

Golden Paste

1/2 cup turmeric powder 
enough water to make a good paste
2 tbsp. coconut oil or olive oil
1/4 tsp fresh grated ginger root
1/2 tsp. cardamom powder
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground pepper

Mix together over heat until well mixed. Store in an air tight container in your cooler for up to two weeks.

The paste can then be used in teas, assorted milks, and coffees to the ratio of anywhere from 1/4 tsp or 1/2 tsp per servings having 2 to 3 servings per day as needed.

I usually begin my day and end my day with this luscious golden paste in my bevies. You really will notice a huge difference in stiffness in your joints or aches in your body of any kind.

Blessings and enjoy the luner eclipse and happy full moon :)

Friday, May 25, 2018

Hi I'm your new SCOBY! Now what????

After baby and momma yoga
bevvy of Homemade
Kombucha brew!
  Welcome to the world of Kombucha! Homemade is so much better and tastier than commercial stuff, just like anything. Plus, you can love this little SCOBY knowing it found a wonderful home! So there's a few things you'll need to start your own Kombucha system. If you are lucky enough to have one of my OOLONG SCOBYs, all the better! Also remember to keep clean utensils including hands when handling your SCOBY and any Kombucha equipment. You do not want to introduce a bad bacteria.

1. Keep your SCOBY out of direct sunlight at all times. The "good" bacteria colony does not like the sun's powerful rays.

2. You'll need to brew your kombucha in a one or two gallon glass jar - with or without a plastic spicket without a fitted lid. I use a fresh napkin with a ribbon tied around the neck to keep debris out of the brew but allow it to breath.

3. The newly brewed green or black tea needs to be cooled to room temperature before adding that to the jar. The sweet tea mix your SCOBY will love is one gallon of tea and one cup of sugar. Also the water used must not contain chlorine like in municipal drinking water. I always use distilled or you will get mold on your SCOBY. (the bad bacteria will win the battle)

4. After about a week, dry out a taste of your decide when it's ready to bottle for the second fermentation. This roughly two day process, is when you add the fruits and delights that will make it wonderfully tasty and fizzy bubbly! You'll know when it's ready when you see little bubbles on the top line. We keep our Kombucha in a cupboard in glass jars. Never use plastic - it explodes and really isn't ideal for the Kombucha brewing process.

5. When you bottle for second fermentation, remember to love your new SCOBY and put it in your own hotel....mine is a box in the cupboard and I use plastic freezer bags to hold it with about a cup of kumbucha or 2 cups of fresh sweet tea mixture.

6. Always keep 10% of your Kumbucha with your SCOBY to start your new batch. If you happen to need to start from a fresh sweet tea mixture, it may take up to 2 weeks for your brew to turn itself into Kombucha!

7. Lastly, love this little colony of goodness! The vitamins and nutrients it provides is amazing! Peace Love and Namaste! Enjoy the process of the brew, new Brew Master!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Less Facebook brought the world a little closer

Es primavera mi familia y amigos!
    I did it folks, I became a ghost on the social media mogul Facebook. I am no longer a puppet with strings abiding to people's twists and turns, shouts and "likes", mean spirited remarks or banter or unabashed fluffery to provide the world with proof that I like/love someone. I no longer have a ticket on  the daily political roller coaster ride. I am no longer at the mercy of feeling pressure to participate, or just watch or have knowledge of any of the shenanigans of the masses that mask their true feelings with the various forms of cyber bullying. That all too  often translates into bullying in real life, creating a world of disconnectiveness.

                         I           AM         FREE
and actually not in the dark as "they" would have you believe. I still know the news, I still talk to family or friends or acquaintances who desire to actually know me and not peep at me through a keyhole unsuspecting. I feel connected and the sun shines brightly.
Now I get to say I'm "fit, healthy and over 45"
This was us on my 46th birthday!
We celebrate life!

   When I started Facebook years ago, it wasn't the bullies playground as it is often known of  today. It was a wonderful new environment where I could keep up with my long distance folk and banter with the ones I saw daily. It was a place of sunshine and laughter.  It was a wonderful forum to find like minds, to share grand ideas, to explore other views and to broaden my mind. Of enjoying my human relationships and sharing with them a tiny piece of my world and spread happiness. It was a place where people still held their tongues and valued their manners. It was sometimes a place of open worship, not one chastising others life choices.

    It was never a place for me to share my burdens unless they were funny, all of which  were first world problems, or talk about them at any length, complain vaguely about someone, nor a place I wanted to waste any of my time viewing people's faults and then complaining about the stupidity of mankind. After I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease, I attempted to spread knowledge of my autoimmunity and to maybe help others with other autoimmune conditions,  invisible diseases.

     This new age of Facebook became a burden to me....seeing all of my friends and family in turmoil over different things, much of them having nothing to really complain about....someone larger sitting in front of them at a sporting event, the wrong coffee was given out at the drive through window, someone else's obesity offends them, or educating the world on how important their relationship to their deity is and should be the most important thing, etc. It was certainly no comfort to me when we lost our babies, there was not a feeling of closeness or camaraderie in the days that we grieved. Later, we often found people trying to "see" things through our teens' accounts.... and not necessarily connecting with them to cheer them on through life or help them when they stumbled. It was sometimes used as a tool.

    Our (my husband and mine) joint Facebook feed became a shouting ground with people screaming at the top of their keyboards for all to see. Soon competitions ensued over lifestyles, actual gifts for self and family, arrogance and verbal pestilence became a mainstay. The Facebook I grew up with had evolved into this evil empire that sucked on the very souls of humanity and made people feel very ALONE in their strife. As I have watched the demise of this social exchange, I felt a need to be super positive and to spread joy. Honestly, it began to feel overwhelming.

    In real life, I  have changed the world in which I live by being the person in charge of overseeing the youths that had been  court mandated and saddled with  community service. I chose their tasks, made them work, listened and talked to them about theiir journeys, tore them down and built them up. I showed I cared deeply for those who ultimately felt the world did not. Which means,  I have touched souls, helped youth grow, made a difference in people's lives. I GET to say that.  I felt good trying to make a difference. I try to  inspire. I have been contacted by people I have been associated with  years before and they have told me, that me....little tiny me, has made a difference in their lives. Not a lot of people can say that.

  But, it occurred to me as I have watched Facebook evolve, that many of the people on that particular social experience want to be in the dramatics. They create it, foster that feeling and let it ride. They thrive in the shadowy human experience. It cannot be changed or altered right now. They need to feed their emotional necessities. It is far easier to allow yourself to feel a widely false connection on social media, that to actually put yourself out there, in life, and forge a real concrete one. It is far scarier to let others in, to look past their defects, and love them anyways. I have faith in the human spirit that we will someday be able to do just that. Until we get close to that day, I will continue to welcome my mornings with the chirping of birds, the smiles of my family, a chat about how the night's sleep was, and to skip into the sun rays of the life giving air I breath. I will greet folks with a smile, and savor every gift presented to me.
                             Life is grand beyond the screen.
  Now when I run into people, they truly ask me questions about my life. They wonder how I am and make a connection you can't find on the screen. They hug, they grab my hand, they rub my shoulder, they show me that my existence in their world matters. They want me to feel close to them and they are forced to demonstrate that in real time. Moments are not wasted. No longer am I at an event and people let my presence go unnoticed. Indeed, I have made my world closer for myself. Be not afraid to try it - you'll be surprised at how your human experience changes! 
Enjoying a birthday hike!


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The elephant in the room

   I go to sleep every night and wake up every morning thankful of this life I've built. I truly mean that. I really try to enjoy every second. Sometimes it's a little harder when we have had to get up every hour in the night but it doesn't take us a half a breath to savor that many couples and people do not have this luxury! We really do make our family moments first.
Here's me in my first postpartum new pair of pants after baby. It took
18 tries to finally find the cut and style for my new to me body after
baby! Totally worth the effort to feel good about my body and be comfortable!

   My post partum experience has been memorable. I cannot say enough how amazing this was starting with the birth of our child at home, being the boss of our birth and our baby's entry into this realm. We savored laying in our bed, I loved not having strangers helping me with my aftercare. My mom was fantastic with cooking food and freezing it in servings and leaving the surprise in our freezer for my husband and older daughter to be able to prepare. The whole experience was exactly as we imagined it could be. It was truly wonderful. *sigh*

   What I wasn't expecting was an abdominal separation that didn't close until  the seven month postpartum....and I had enjoyed bringing three daughters into the world previously. I had a perpetual backache from about the second trimester of pregnancy until our baby turned 13 months old. I FINALLY found relief from a fellow yogi who stars on YouTube. Yoga with Adriene I'm not associated with her in any way besides if I don't feel like stacking my own yoga practice together, I can do yoga with my pooches as she does yoga with hers.
This 20 minute yoga practice for the core is an ass kicker. It truly reached places that only our Finn had enjoyed and savored for nine months. I couldn't even delve into core work until my ab separation was completely healed so I only did this particular workout when I was plenty healthy. After just a few days of this workout, my backache disappeared! Try it and you'll be in awe at the serine work you put in for yourself. I just love not running around like a mad woman to get the results I seek.
A REAL after baby photo
of sagging skin 13 months
   Another thing I wasn't expecting was what loose skin means...yeah yeah I have had stretch marks and had a little loose skin. The term "loose skin" doesn't quite give it justice....Imagine skin that sags, appears lumpy?  and reminds you of a elephant. It catches the craziest shadows. Finn made herself quite the home and my body was more than happy to oblige,  as it should be.  But this leftover skin....holy moly. Preparation H is coming to the rescue ASAP! If you want to know a little secret on how to tighten up loose skin temporarily to get you through a rough patch, the medication in Preparation H hemorrhoid cream or ointment tights skin and dehydrates the area. Always test out a patch to see if you have a skin irritation reaction. If it looks good, slather it on and watch the skin get back to where it's suppose to be for a little while. Your body created life, it served you then and it serves you still. It is a temple to be appreciated and amazed at. Sagging skin firms up over time, don't be hating if it takes longer than someone else. Drink plenty of water and use it as an elixir to cure your ails and keep your system flushed. Be patient :)


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Milk...going, going, gone

   Milestones, milestones....our American culture thrives on that. An infant's first few years are jammed packed with milestones for development and everyone is always eye balling to see if things are measuring up. We have lots of milestones happening and one in particular makes me kind of we flew kites today on this loveliest of spring days.

   My goal with each of my children was to breastfeed for their first year of life. That time frame seemed appropriate for me as their immune system is functioning quite well at that point. Two out of four times I have hit my goal! With my first child, everything had worked itself out and things were going strong until I started getting nauseated with each feeding. Even though I had not yet started my period after  having her, I was pregnant again when she was nine months old. She was weaned ASAP, the vomiting was too much during feeding. It was a horrible time for everyone. With the next little bundle, we were living on a farm. When she was five months old, I ran out to a commotion in the chicken coop only to be sprayed head to toe by a started skunk when I rounded the corner. I tried everything to get the smell off for a few days, but it overwhelmed me and she absolutely could not feed. I ended up having to supplement with formula but the process was enough to disrupt my precious and now skunky smelling milk supply. Our breastfeeding journey was over....and I smelled that wonderful skunk aroma in my nostrils for over a month! The last two daughters took full benefit of the breastfeeding and enjoyed every day of it.

   Lots of people think breastfeeding is easy and you automatically know how this process goes...yeah that's only in the movies....if movies even talk about such things without making it sexual, that is. It's a test of patience, sometimes pain, sometimes frustrations, sometimes joy, sometimes laughter, sometimes confusing, etc. It is a GRAND ADVENTURE in life truly and there is much fulfillment in continuing to provide the nourishment for your greatest achievement (baby) after they are out of the womb. Even though they aren't with you constantly anymore, you have those few moments during the day and night of truly unique bonding and special time. You examine each other's eyes, feel each other's breath, smell each other's smells, skin to skin is comfort, laugh together, sometimes cry together LOL and experience your baby like nobody else in the world gets to. Being a breastfeeding mom is empowering!

   As of yesterday, our journey of serene togetherness and intimate nurturing is over. We have been feeding less and less each day in preparation of these times. She eats very nutritious food and has for a very long time. For over a week we were just doing one feeding in a 24 hour period to prep for no breastfeeding time. The last to go was the feeding right after her bath, directly for bedtime. It was the one you use to calm and send her off to her sweet dreams with, the last bond before your evening shifts of parenting begin. The last feeding before we stretched out in our bed and giggle, discussing the details of the life we've built for ourselves. I love that time of day :)

   Don't get me wrong....we've celebrated this milestone intimately as a couple as well. It's refreshing to not have wet shirts or sheets, not smell of past ripe milk that has spilled somewhere. It's super  nice to have those two things of mine be just purely sexual again! I did miss that life too. Last night, during my favorite time of day, my husband quietly  watched us as we struggled to change up our bedtime routine as I rocked and held her in our dimly lit bedroom. She fell sound asleep after letting out soft whimpers and I placed her in her bed. He held out his arms to me and asked how it was for me. "Awful..." and I collapsed into a heap in his arms .Our favorite time of day was spent in  quiet reflection as he stroked my hair with the occasional honking of body parts with assorted noises. :)
Blessings everyone!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Tuna Casserole for Hashi Warriors

   Hey everybody! Spring has sprung and we have assorted birds calling out to meet the bird of their dreams now! We are all coming out of the wintry conditions to feel the sunshine and smell the fresh breezes.

   Today, I'm going to chat a bit about how I manage my Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with something you need everyday...FOOD! Since my diagnosis, I have become quite a foodie and actually enjoy my food more than I ever have in my whole life! It's wonderful to eat and not feel lousy after I fuel my body. I have more flavor in every morsel than ever and I really do not have to pass on much except if we are at a community pot luck. There are diets to follow and it can really seem staggering to include all of those and convert to a Hashimoto's friendly atmosphere. While I won't go in depth here on the complete diet (click here to see what you can have!)  required for impact, I will share a tip or two on one of my family's favorite dish....Tuna Noodle Casserole. The topic of noodles cane up with our now afult daughter since she’s in her own and began cooking, so I thought I needed to share our noodle knowledge wealth! :)
   If you are like me, we discovered that gluten was a major trigger for my Hashimoto's. Removing gluten from your diet was tough at that time when labels weren't required to put GLUTEN FREE in bold, but these days, with the labels saying the allergens, it's so easy! That's the easy part....the tough part is saying good-bye to a few favorited food friends. I've always enjoyed my fruits and vegetables and rice as well. The important thing about halting the affects of Hashimoto's is finding the root or the trigger of your autoimmunity. Once that is pin pointed, you can stop your immune system from going whacky and attacking other important parts of YOU! OK, enough about FINDING YOUR ROOT CAUSE (click that link to start that journey!), and back to the chatter of yummy food!
   Not everyone in our family needs or has to be gluten free. But, I do the cooking so the majority of the creative genius meals are so we all can enjoy meals TOGETHER and not feel like outcasts in our own health journey! One of our favorite dishes is Tuna Noodle Casserole and we had to pull this from the menu temporarily while I was learning how to cook and bake gluten free. A good tip about gluten free noodles....always try to find corn and rice noodles to substitute for your old recipes. These taste and feel about the same as the wheat noodles. We have discovered that noodles made from other grains will feel like sand or the taste will be overwhelming and ruin an old favorite dish! I have substituted the corn and rice noodles and nobody was the wiser!

   Please enjoy my Tuna Noodle Casserole recipe and hopefully it will become your new comfort food! This dish with the dairy may not be everyone's cup of tea, and I do not have the nutritional content for it, but it was a welcomed favorite we had to put on hold for a while until I perfected the recipe. The old recipe had wheat noodles and Miracle Whip, both containing gluten.

Tuna Noodle Casserole
2-3 foil packets of tuna 
2 12 oz boxes of gluten free rotini noodles made with corn and rice
1 cup sour cream
2 cups mayonnaise
1-1 1/2 cups milk or nut milk
4 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 teaspoon sea salt, stay clear of Iodized salt! (get iodine through kelp instead)
Freshly ground pepper to taste

  Cook the noodles according to the package. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix together above ingredients in oven proof pan or dish. Bake covered for 30 minutes, uncover and bake for 10 minutes longer to achieve a golden top. Serve after briefly cooling a few minutes.

Blessings from our clan and enjoy your journey for health!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Our rainbow is one...of us!

   It happened! Our rainbow baby turned one over the weekend!  A year of surprises, moments, memories, and love. It was BIRTHDAY WEEK!  Her sisters, along with us, reflected on the events leading up to her arrival, laughing at the memories.  What a blessing she is for all of us. She has unveiled herself to us this past year....aaaah we are a wonderful clan with amazing depth! We are the lucky parents of children from young adult to toddler :) HOW BUSY ARE WE?!?!

In Finn's first year, she has learned so much! She loves many things this life has to offer and we can't wait to see what she learns this next year.

Finn has learned:

Some challenges are worth the effort...

Breath is life

Climbing stairs

Anytime is a good time
for breastfeeding.

Her sister Sydnie Jo hates feet...


A new perspective brings new surprises....

Love is sharing yourself....

You can love, but it's not always given back....

Blessings! Be want you want the world to be...spread joy.