Monday, June 29, 2015

Congratulations! It's looking like a healthy baby!

    This morning couldn't have come at a better time....the grueling weekend has taken its toll on all of us awaiting this ultrasound. For me, I just wanted to see a beating heart, but for my husband the image on the screen made this whole situation seem real....I've come to realize. When he saw the healthy little Ness, he placed his hand over his mouth and took the imagery all in with amazement.
   Our appointment was better than routine...the nurses were so excited to see us back for this happy time! There were giggles, big smiles and hardy congratulations darting our way through the whole office. They are such a supportive team and have always given me a warm feeling when I've gone in for my check-ups since our loss. They were very compassionate during our loss as well, despite seeing that circumstance many times over with different folks.
   After hearing that our little peanut had the heartbeat of a micro champion and that no special worries were reserved for us, that we should continue business as usual, we took a stroll and soaked up the moment with healthy smoothies in the sunshine. "I think I want to tell everyone," he exclaimed. I said he could do as he chooses and smiled.
   In his safe, he still has the pregnancy test from our lost baby...the only positive confirmation he had from that pregnancy. He also has the positive pregnancy test from our rainbow baby and has taken looks at it daily since I gave it to him. Today was special for him and one step closer. He held in his mighty hands the photos from our ultrasound for minutes on end. It is real, it is good, it is hopeful, it is happening.
   Oftentimes, everyone forgets about the hopeful dad that is eagerly awaiting the baby and many times his wounds are invisible to the world only thinking about the momma clenching her empty belly after loss. Dads long for their babies just as much as moms do.
   My husband is a solid rock for me....he never let on how truly worried he was about this appointment, he remained positive and steadfast, downright joyful....but he's been sleeping like a bear for two hours since we've returned from our joyous obgyn appointment to see our little Ness on the big screen.

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